Many images come to mind when the one thinks of desert fieldwork in central New Mexico. Low precipitation, large fluctuations in temperature, high solar radiation—the desert is a stressful place. But one stress many people rarely associate with deserts in the southwestern U.S. is extreme cold. Although often overlooked, cold temperatures play an important role in desert ecosystems.
Satellite technology is enabling marine scientists at the Santa Barbara Coastal (SBC) LTER site to study how environmental factors and climate affect the giant kelp forests off the coast of Califor
Soil that was once thought to be the least vulnerable to decomposition is actually the most sensitive to increasing temperatures, making it more likely to release carbon into the atmosphere
In recent years, a growing body of scientific research indicates that certain substances in the environment, natural or synthetic, may interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system
Time lags surround us. Want a house? Put a payment down today and the house is built in a couple years. Infected with bacteria? Take penicillin today and the infection should subside in days.
The landscape of the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MCM) Long Term Ecological Research site is dominated by bare soils, perennially frozen lakes, ephemeral streams, and glaciers -- all of which harbor viable
AMHERST, Mass. - Urban areas are the fastest-growing habitat on earth, but little is known about how plants and animals fit themselves into landscapes dominated by humans.