Land managers consider invasive species one of their greatest challenges.
Peter McCartney (CAP) and Kristin Vanderbilt (SEV) traveled to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in July 2001 to teach a three-day Information Management Wor
The new NASA satellite called “Terra” was launched successfully in December 1999 with MODIS and four other sensors on board.
DataBits, the LTER Data Manager newsletter, has been revived.
The LTER Network Office and the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI) have developed a mechanism to support short-term fellowships for Information Managers from LTER S
The NBII home page ( is the point of access to a growing list of guides, directories, and inventories
Lixin Lu received her Ph.D. in atmospheric science at Colorado State University in May 1999.
Tony Fountain earned his Ph.D. in computer science from Oregon State University.
Tony Fountain and Lixin (pronounced ‘Lee-shin’) Lu have recently joined the ranks -- remotely -- of the LTER Network Office.
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