Figure 1.The LTER study sites

Figure 1.The LTER study sites

Figure 1.The LTER study sites (HJ Andrews [AND] in Oregon, Hubbard Brook [HBR], New Hampshire, Coweeta [CWT], North Carolina, and Luquillo [LUQ], Puerto Rico). Climates vary from tropical at LUQ to maritime temperate at AND to continental temperate climates at CWT and HBR.

Forests vary in age and type among the sites with 50- to 70-year old deciduous forests at CWT and HBR, versus evergreen broadleaf forests at LUQ, versus 450- year old evergreen needleleaf forest at AND. We examined more than 600 basin-years of daily streamflow records from 18 control (undisturbed) basins at four long-term ecological research (LTER) sites, and an additional few hundred basin-years of daily streamflow records from two clearcut basins at each of three sites: AND, CWT, and HBR.

Ecological Hydrology