LTER Cross-site Studies in the Works

Network News Spring 2001, Vol. 14 No. 1
Site News

This is a sample of the follow-up activities continuing from conversations begun at the LTER All Scientist's Meeting, August 2000 in Snowbird, Utah (LTER ASM 2000). Look for reports on these topics on the LTER Web site in the future. For immediate information, contact the people listed here, who can be found in the LTER personnel database. Workshops marked with * have already taken place. Workshops marked with ** are summarized in the adjacent article.

Debra Peters Scaling from Plots to Landscapes and Regions: Relevance of Landscapes to current issues in Ecology
Mark Harmon LIDET: Decomposition and Nitrogen Dynamics of Fine Litter and Fine Roots
Laura Huenneke LTER/GCTE Workshop on Removal Experiments on the Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystem Functioning **
Dave Coleman A Cross-Site Synthesis of Biotic and Abiotic Agents of Decom position and SOM Dynamics in LTER Sites *
Kate Lajtha Effects of Decomposing Woods on Soil Carbon Accumulation and Chemistry, Fungal Diversity and Microbial Enzyme Systems
Phil Robertson Integrating LTER Research into Ecosystem Management *
Alan Yearkley Process Controls on Nitrogen Flux in Riparian Zones
Tim Seastedt Causes and Consequences of Invasive Species: Past and Future Contributions of the LTER Network*
Bob Christian Ecological Network Analysis for Cross-Site Comparisons: Developing the Network of Users *
David Turner Scaling Carbon Flux to the Site Level in the Context of Validating Products from Earth Observing Satellites
Larry Baker Integration of Research on Biogeochemical Cycles at LTER Sites **
Carolyn Ruppel Standardizing Hydrological Methods and Comparing Flow and Transport Processes at the Atlantic Coast LTER sites: CGE, PIE and VCR
Richard Lathrop Sense-of-Place Attitudes in the World's Temperate Lake Districts
Barbara Benson Advancing the Sharing and Synthesis of Ecological Data: Guidelines for Data Sharing and Integration
Rich Boone Defining the Schoolyard LTER Program: Priorities, Infrastructure, and Communications **
Jim Morris Regulation of Organic Matter Preservation in Soils and Sediments*
Dan Childers LTER Based Tropical Coastal Research Across the Caribbean Basin*