Recent Publications, Fall 2004

Network News Fall 2004, Vol. 17 No. 2

Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Groffman, P.M., N.L. Law, K.T. Belt, L.E. Band and G.T. Fisher. 2004. Nitrogen fluxes and retention in urban watershed ecosystems. Ecosystems 7:393-403.

Central Arizona-Phoenix
Journal Articles
Anderies J. M., M. A. Janssen, and E. Ostrom. 2004.  A framework to analyze the robustness of social-ecological systems from an institutional perspective.  Ecology and Society 9(1):18.  Online
Anderies J. M., M. A. Janssen, and B. H. Walker. 2004. Robust strategies for managing rangelands with multiple stable attractors. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47 (1): 140-162.
Berling-Wolff, S., and J. Wu. 2004. Urban growth models: A historical review. Ecological Research 19:119-129.
Burns, E. K., and G. Bey. 2004. City of Phoenix and Arizona State University Map Water Features with GIS and GPS. Underground Focus 18(3):12-13.
Celestian, S. B., and C. A. Martin. 2004. Rhizosphere, surface, and under tree canopy air temperature patterns at parking lots in Phoenix, AZ. Journal of Arboriculture 30(4):245-251.
Grimm, N. B., S. E. Gergel, W. H. McDowell, E. W. Boyer, C. L. Dent, P. M. Groffman, S. C. Hart, J. W. Harvey, C. A. Johnston, E. Mayorga, M. McClain, and G. Pinay. 2003. Merging aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of nutrient biogeochemistry. Oecologia 442:485–501.
Hawkins, T. W., A. Brazel, W. L. Stefanov, W. Bigler, and E. M. Saffell. 2004. The role of rural variability in urban heat island and oasis determination for Phoenix, Arizona. Journal of Applied Meteorology 43:476-486.
Hope, D., M. W. Naegeli, A. H. Chan, and N. B. Grimm. 2004. Nutrients on asphalt parking surfaces in an urban environment. Water Air & Soil Pollution: Focus 4:371-390.
Katti, M., and P. S. Warren. 2004. Research focus: Tits, noise, and urban bioacoustics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(3):109-110.
Kuby, M., C. Upchurch, and A. Barranda. 2004. Factors Influencing light rail station boardings in the United States. Transportation Research Part A 38(3): 223-247.
Li, H., and J. Wu. 2004. Use and misuse of landscape indices. Landscape Ecology 19:389-399.
Martin, C. A., and L. B. Stabler. 2004. The relationship of homeowner practices and carbon acquisition potential of landscape plants to mesic and xeric designed Southwest residential landscapes. Acta Horticulturae 630:137-141.
Redman, C. L., J. M. Grove, and L. Kuby. 2004. Integrating social science into the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: Social dimensions of ecological change and ecological dimensions of social change. Ecosystems. Online First:
Shen, W., G. D. Jenerette, J. Wu, and R. H. Gardner. 2004. Evaluating empirical scaling relations of pattern metrics with simulated landscapes. Ecography 27:459-469.
Shochat, E. Credit or debit? Resource input changes population dynamics of city-slicker birds. Oikos 106(3):622-626.
Shochat E., S. Lerman, M. Katti, and D. Lewis. 2004. Linking optimal foraging behavior to bird community structure in an urban-desert landscape: Field experiments with artificial food patches. American Naturalist 164(2):232-243.
Shochat, E., W. L. Stefanov, M. E. A. Whitehorse, and S. Faeth. 2004. Urbanization and spider diversity: Influences of human modification of habitat structure and productivity. Ecological Applications 14(4):268-280.
Stabler, L. B., and C.A. Martin. 2004. Irrigation and pruning affect growth and water use efficiency of two desert-adapted shrubs. Acta Horticulturae 638:255-258.
Upchurch, C., M. Kuby, M. Zoldak, and A. Barranda. 2004. Using GIS to generate mutually exclusive service areas linking travel on and off a network. Journal of Transport Geography 12: 23-33..
Wu, J. 2004. Effects of changing scale on landscape pattern analysis: Scaling relations. Landscape Ecology 19:125-138.

Books, Chapters, and Conference Proceedings
Burns, E. K., and G. Bey. 2004. Spatial technologies for management of water collection and distribution. In Proceedings of Conference 27 Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA), Seattle, WA.
Hartz, D., A. J. Brazel, and G. M. Heisler. 2004. A case study in resort climatology of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. In Preprint volume of 22-27 August 2004 5th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society,Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lee, S.M., S. Grossman-Clarke, and H. J. S. Fernando. 2004. Some issues related to the simulation of contaminant distribution in complex-terrain areas. January 2004, Proceedings of  85th AMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Machabée, L. 2004. Investigating the principles of justice in the actors' decision-making process: A case study of an urban ecological restoration project. August 23-27 2004, 16th International Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Victoria, British Colombia.
Netzband , M., and W. L. Stefanov. 2004. Urban Land Cover and Spatial Variation Observation Using ASTER and MODIS Satellite Image Data.  ISPRS Archives Vol. XXXV: Part B7
Stefanov, W. L., L. Prashad, C. Eisinger, A. Brazel, and S. L. Harlan. 2004. Investigation of human modifications of landscape and climate in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area using MASTER data. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences 35(B7):1339-1347.

Florida Coastal Everglades
Jaffe R., J.N Boyer, X. Lu, N. Maie, C. Yang, N.M. Scully and S. Mock, 2004.  Source characterization of dissolved organic matter in a subtropical mangrove-dominated estuary by fluorescence analysis. Marine Chemistry 84(3-4): 195-210.
Jones V., C.D. Ruddell, G. Wainwright, H.H. Rees, R. Jaffe and G.A. Wolff, (2004). One-dimensional and two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: a tool for protein characterization in aquatic samples. Marine Chemistry 85(1-2): 63-73.
Rivera-Monroy, V., R.R. Twilley, D. Bone, D.L. Childers, C. Coronado- Molina, I.C. Feller, J. Herrera-Silveira, R. Jaffe, E. Mancera, E.
Rejmankova, J. E. Salisbury, E. Weil,  2004.  A Conceptual Framework to Develop Long-Term Ecological Research and Management Objectives in the Wider Caribbean Region. BioScience 54(9): 843-856.
Zieman, J.C., Fourqurean, J.W. and T.A. Frankovich,  2004.  reply to B.E. Lapointe and P.J. Barile (2004). Comment on J.C. Zieman, J.W.

Kellog Biological Station
Brewer, E. A. 2004. Impacts of Calcium and Nitrogen on Carbon Stabilization in Soils of an Afforested Red Pine Stand. Ms.Thesis, Bradley University.
Caldeira, K., M. G. Morgan, D. Baldocchi, P. G. Brewer, C. T. A. Chen, G.-J. Nabuurs, N. Nakicenovic, and G. P. Robertson. 2004. A portfolio of carbon management options. Pages 103-103 in C. B. Field and M. R. Raupach, eds. The Global Carbon Cycle. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA.
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). 2004. Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Challenges and Opportunities for Agriculture. Task Force Report No. 141, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Ames, Iowa, USA.
De Gryze, S., J. Six, K. Paustian, S. J. Morris, E. A. Paul, and R. Merckx. 2004. Aggregation and soil organic matter in recently afforested soils. Global Change Biology 10: 1120-1132.
Grace, P. R., M. C. Jain, L. W. Harrington, and G. P. Robertson. 2003. Long-term sustainability of the tropical and subtropical rice and wheat system: An environmental perspective. Pages 27-43. In J. K. Ladha, J. E. Hill, J. M. Duxbury, R. K. Gupta, and R. J. Buresh, eds. Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat System: Issues and Impacts. American Society of Agronomy Special Publication 65, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Paul, E. A., S. J. Morris, J. Six, K. Paustian, and E. G. Gregorich. 2003. Interpretation of soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in agricultural and afforested soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 1620-1628.
Rillig, M. C., P. W. Ramsey, S. J. Morris, and E. A. Paul. 2003. Glomalin, an arbuscular-mychrrhizal fungal protein, responds to landscape-level management. Plant and Soil 253: 293-299.
Robertson, G. P. 2004. Abatement of nitrous oxide, methane, and the other non-CO2 greenhouse gases: The need for a systems approach. Pages 493-506 in C. B. Field and M. R. Raupach, eds. The Global Carbon Cycle. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA.
Robertson, G. P., and P. R. Grace. 2004. Greenhouse gas fluxes in tropical and temperate agriculture: The need for a full-cost accounting of global warming potentials. Environment, Development and Sustainability 6: 51-63.
Sanchez, J. E., R. R. Harwood, T. C. Willson, K. Kizilkaya, J. Smeenk, E. Parker, E. A. Paul, B. D. Knezek, and G. P. Robertson. 2004. Integrated agricultural systems: Managing soil carbon and nitrogen for productivity and environmental quality. Agronomy Journal 96: 769-775.

Konza Prairie

Baer, S. G. , J. M. Blair, S. L. Collins, and A. K. Knapp. 2004. Plant community responses to resource availability and heterogeneity during restoration. Oecologia 139: 617-629.
Bernot, M. J., W. K. Dodds, W. S. Gardner, M. J. McCarthy, D. Sobolev and J. L. Tank. 2003. Comparing denitrification estimates for a Texas estuary by using acetylene inhibition and membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69: 5950-5956.
Cully, A. C., J. F. Cully, Jr., and R. D. Hiebert. 2003.  Invasion of exotic plant species in tallgrass prairie fragments. Conservation Biology 17: 990-998.
Dodds, W. K. 2003.  The role of periphyton in phosphorus retention in shallow freshwater aquatic systems. Journal of Phycology 39: 830-849.
Dodds, W. K., K. Gido, M. R. Whiles, K. M. Fritz and W. J. Matthews. 2004. Life on the edge: the ecology of Great Plains prairie streams. BioScience 54: 207-281.
Dodds, W. K. and M. R. Whiles. 2004. Quality and quantity of suspended particles in rivers: Continent-scale patterns in the United States. Environmental Management 33: 355-367.
Gao, X., O. A. Olapade, M. W. Kershner and L. G. Leff. 2004. Algal-bacterial co-variation in streams: a cross-stream comparison. Archive fur Hydrobiologie 159: 253-261.
Garrett, K. A., S. P. Dendy, A. G. Power, G. K. Blaisdell, H. M. Alexander and J. K. McCarron. 2004. Barley yellow dwarf disease in natural populations of dominant tallgrass prairie species in Kansas. Plant Disease 88: 574.
Goodin, D. G., J. Gao and G. M. Henebry. 2004. The effect of solar zenith angle and sensor view angle on observed patterns of spatial structure in tallgrass prairie. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42: 154-165.
Gustafson, D. J., D. J. Gibson and D. L. Nickrent. 2004. Conservation genetics of two co-dominant species in the endangered tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 389-397.
Gustafson, D. J., D. J. Gibson and D. L. Nickrent. 2004. Competitive relationships of Andropogon gerardii (big bluestem) from remnant and restored native populations and select cultivated varieties. Functional Ecology 18: 451-457.
Heisler, J. L., J. M. Briggs, A. K. Knapp, J. M. Blair and A. Seery.  2004. Direct and indirect effects of fire on shrub expansion in a mesic grassland. Ecology 85: 2245-2257.
Huxman, T. E., M. D. Smith, P. A. Fay, A. K. Knapp, M. R. Shaw, M. E. Loik, S. D. Smith, D. T. Tissue, J. C. Zak, J. F. Weltzin, W. T. Pockman, O. E. Sala, B. M. Haddad, J. Harte, G. W. Koch, S. Schwinning, E. E. Small and D. G. Williams. 2004. Convergence across biomes to a common rain-use efficiency. Nature 429: 651-654.
Macpherson, G. L. , and M. Sophocleous. 2004. Fast ground-water mixing and basal recharge in an unconfined, alluvial aquifer, Konza LTER Site, Northeastern Kansas. Journal of Hydrology 286: 271-299.
Morgan . J.A., D.E. Pataki, C. Körner H. Clark, S.J. Del Grosso, J.M. Grünzweig, A.K. Knapp, A.R. Mosier, P.C.D. Newton, P.A. Niklaus, J.B. Nippert, R.S. Nowak, W.J. Parton, H.W. Polley, and M.R. Shaw. 2004. Water relations in grassland and desert ecosystems exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2. Oecologia 140: 11-25.
Silletti, A.M., A.K. Knapp and J.M. Blair.  2004.  Competition and coexistence in grassland co-dominants: responses to neighbor removal and resource availability. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 450-460.
Smith, M. D., J. Wilcox, T. Kelly and A. K. Knapp. 2004. Dominance not diversity determines invasibility of tallgrass prairie. Oikos 106: 253-262.

Angulo-Sandoval, P., Fernandez-Marin, H., Zimmerman, J. K., and T. M. Aide. 2004. Changes in patterns of understory leaf phenology and herbivory following hurricane damage Biotropica 36(1): 60-67 March 2004.
Beard, K. H., A. K. Eschtruth, K. A. Vogt, D. J. Vogt, and F. N. Scatena. 2003. The effects of the frog Eleutherodactylus coqui on invertebrates and ecosystem processes at two scales in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 19:607-617.
Cantrell, S. A. 2004. Sampling methods to study discomycetes diversity in a subtropical rain forest. Caribbean Journal of Science 40:8-16.
Cantrell, S. A., T. Iturriaga, and D. H. Pfister. 2004. An updated checklist of the discomycetes for the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean Region. Caribbean Journal of Science 40:139-144.
Chambers, J. Q., and W. L. Silver. 2004. Some ecophysiological and biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to atmospheric change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 359:463-476.
Covich, A. P., T. A. Crowl, and F. N. Scatena. 2003. Effects of extreme low flows on freshwater shrimps in a perennial tropical stream freshwater. Biology 48:1199-1206.
Dodds, W. K., E. Martí, J. L. Tank, J. Pontius, S. K. Hamilton, N. B. Grimm, W. B. Bowden, W. H. McDowell, B. J. Peterson, H. M. Valett, J. R. Webster, and S. Gregory. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry and nitrogen cycling rates in streams. Oecologia 140:458-467.
Erickson, H. E., and G. Ayala. 2004. Hurricane-induced nitrous oxide fluxes from a wet tropical forest. Global Change Biology 10:1155-1162.
Findlay, S., J. Tank, S. Dye, H. M. Valett, P. J. Mulholland, W. H. M. Dowell, S. Johnson, S. K. Hamilton, J. Edmonds, W. K. Dodds, and W. B. Bowden. 2002. Bacterial and fungal biomass in detritus-based microhabitats of a headwater stream. Microbial Ecology 43:55-66.
Finical, L., J. Sharpe, and X. M. Zou. 2004. Understory fern responses to post-hurricane fertilization and debris removal in a Puerto Rican rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20:173-181.
Freeman, M., C. M. Pringle, E. Greathouse, and B. Freeman. 2003. Ecosystem- level consequences of migratory faunal depletion caused by dams. Pages 255-266 in K. E. Limburg and J. R. Waldman, editors. Biodiversity and conservation of the world's shads. American Fisheries Society Series 35, Bethesda, Maryland.
Gonzalez, G., T. Seastedt, and Z. Donato. 2003. Earthworms, arthropods, and plant litter decomposition in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests in Colorado, USA. Pedobiologia 47:863-869.
Grau, H., T. M. Aide, J. K. Zimmerman, J. R. Thomlinson, E. Helmer, and X. Zou. 2003. The ecological consequences of socioeconomic and land-use changes in post agriculture Puerto Rico. BioScience 53:1159-1168.
Hall, C. A. S., P. J. Tharakan, J. Hallock, C. Cleveland, and M. Jefferson. 2003. Hydrocarbons and the evolution of human culture. Nature 426:318-322.
Lachnicht, S. L., P. F. Hendrix, and X. M. Zou. 2002. Stratification in resource use and mineralization between native and exotic earthworms in a tropical wet forest of Puerto Rico. Biology and Fertility of Soils 36:43-52.
Lugo, A. E., W. L. Silver, and S. M. Colón. 2004. Biomass and nutrient dynamics of restored tropical forests. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 4:731-746.
March, J. G., J. P. Benstead, C. M. Pringle, and F. N. Scatena. 2003. Damming tropical islands streams. BioScience 53:1069-1071.
McDowell, W. H. 2002. Nutrient flux from tropical rain forests. Pages 149-163 in R. S. Ambasht and N. K. Ambasht, editors. Kluwer Academic Press.
McGroddy, M., W. L. Silver, and J. R. Cosme de Oliviera. 2004. The effect of phosphorus availability on decomposition dynamics in a seasonal lowland Amazonian forest. Ecosystems 7:172-179.
Meléndez-Ackerman, E., C. C. Pérez, M. M. Vargas, and J. F. Cabán. 2003. Post-hurricane recovery of a herbaceous understory plant in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical Ecology 19:677-684.
Myster, R. W. 2003. Effects of species, density, patch-type and season on post-dispersal seed predation in a Puerto Rican pasture. Biotropica 35:542-545.
Myster, R.W. 2003. Seed regeneration mechanisms over fine spatial scales on recovering Coffee plantation and pasture in Puerto Rico. Plant Ecology 166:199-205.
Myster, R.W. 2003. Using biomass to model disturbance. Community Ecology 4: 101-105.
Myster, R. W.  2003. Vegetation dynamics of a permanent pasture plot in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 35:422-428.
Myster, R. W., and D. A. Schaefer. 2003. Species effects on litter decomposition in a Puerto Rican landslide. Community Ecology 4:157-162.
Myster, R.W. 2004. Regeneration filters in post-agricultural fields of Puerto Rico and Ecuador. Plant Ecology 172:199-209.
Ortiz-Zayas, J. R., and F. N. Scatena. 2004. Integrated water resources management in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico: An evolving process. Water Resources Development 20:387- 398.
Pascarella, J. B., T. M. Aide, and J. K. Zimmerman. 2004. Short-term response of secondary forests to hurricane disturbance in Puerto Rico, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 199:379-393.
Planos Gutiérrez, E. O., and F. N. Scatena. 2003. Intense precipitation in Cuba. IMPACT: Journal of the American Water Works Association.
Pringle, C. M. 2004. The need for a more predictive understanding of hydrologic connectivity. Aquatic Conservation 13:467-471.
Pringle, C. M. 2004. What is hydrologic connectivity and why is it ecologically
important? Hydrological Processes 17:2685-2689.
Pyron, M., and A. P. Covich. 2003. Migration patterns, densities, and growth of Neritina punctulata snails in Río Espíritu Santo and Río Mameyes, Northeastern Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 39:338-347.
Richardson, B. A. 2004. Tank Bromeliads: Faunal Ecology. Pages 195- 198 in M. D. Lowman and H. B. Rinker, editors. Forest Canopies - 2nd Edition. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington MA.
Richardson, B.A. 2003. The effects of forest type and elevation on the diversity of litter invertebrate communities in a montane tropical Forest in Puerto Rico. Pages 1-2 in Nalini Nadkarni, editor. What's Up? The Newsletter of the International Canopy Network, Vol.10 No1. Olympia, WA.
Ruan, H. H., X. M. Zou, F. N. Scatena, and J. K. Zimmerman. 2004. Asynchronous fluctuation of soil microbial biomass and plant litterfall in a tropical wet forest. Plant and Soil 260:147-154.
Santos-Román, D. M., G. S. Warner, and F. Scatena. 2003. Multivariate analysis of water quality and physical characteristics of selected watersheds in Puerto Rico. Journal of the American Water Works Association 39:829-839.
Sánchez, Y., and X. M. Zou. 2004. Plant influences on native and exotic earthworms during secondary succession in old tropical pastures. 48:215-226.
Schellekens, J., F. N. Scatena, L. A. Bruijnzeel, A. I. J. M. v. Dijk, M. M. A. Groen, and R. J. P. v. Hoogezand. 2004. Stormflow generation in small rain-forest catchments in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Hydrological Processes 18:505-530.
Shiels, A. B., and L. R. Walker. 2003. Bird perches increase forest seeds on Puerto Rican landslide. Restoration Ecology 11:457-465.
Silver, W. L., L. Kueppers, A. E. Lugo, R. Ostertag, and V. Matzek. 2004. Carbon sequestration and plant community dynamics with reforestation of tropical pasture. Ecological Applications 14:1115-1127.
Smith, G. C., A. P. Covich, and A. M. D. Brasher. 2003. An ecological perspective on the biodiversity of tropical island streams. BioScience 53:1048-1051.
Varner, R. K., M. Keller, J. R. Robertson, J. D. Dias, H. Silva, P. M. Crill, M. McGroddy, and W. L. Silver. 2003. Experimentally induced root mortality increased nitrous oxide emissions from tropical forest soils. Geophysical Research Letters 30:1141-1145.
Walker, L. R., D. J. Lodge, S. Guzmán-Grajales, and N. Fetcher. 2003. Species-specific seedling responses to hurricane disturbance in a Puerto Rican rain forest. Biotropica 35:472-485.
Warren, M., and X. M. Zou. 2003. Nitrogen retention in temperate deciduous forests: the vernal dam hypothesis. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 27.
Webster, J. R., P. J. Mulholland, J. L. Tank, H. M. Vallet, W. K. Dodds, B. J. Peterson, W. B. Bowden, C. N. Dahm, S. Findlay, S. V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, S. L. Johnson, E. Marti, W. H. McDowell, J. L. Meyer, D. D. Morrall, S. A. Thomas, and W. W. Wollheim. 2003. Factors affecting ammonium uptake in streams - an inter-biome perspective. Freshwater Biology. 48:1329-1352.
Zimmerman, J. K., and A. P. Covich. 2003. Distribution of juvenile crabs (Epilobocerasinuatifrons) in two Puerto Rican headwater streams: Effects of pool morphology and past land-use legacies. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 158:343-357.

Niwot Ridge
Toetz, D.; Payton, M. E. 2004. Synergism of Nutrients and Humic Acid in Accrual of Periphytic Biomass in a Subalpine Stream, Colorado Front Range. Journal of Freshwater Ecology vol. 19 no. 1 pp 35-40
Gonzalez, G.; Seastedt, T.R.; Donato, Z. 2003. Earthworms, arthropods and plant litter decomposition in aspen (Populus tremuloides) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests in Colorado, USA. Pedobiologia vol. 47 pp 863-869.
Bowman, W.D.; Steltzer, H.; Rosenstiel, T.N.; Cleveland, C.C.; Meier, C.L. 2004. Litter effects of two co-occurring alpine species on plant growth, microbial activity and immobilization of nitrogen. OIKOS vol. 104 pp. 336-344.
Liu, F.; Williams, M.W.; Caine, N. 2004. Source waters and flow paths in an alpine catchment, Colorado Front Range, United States. Water Resources Research vol. 40
Ley, R.L; Williams, M.W.; Schmidt, S.K. 2004. Microbial population dynamics in an extreme environment:controlling factors in talus soils at 3750 m in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Biogeochemistry vol. 68 pp. 313-335.
Schmidt, S.K.; Lipson, D.A.; Ley, R.E.; Fisk, M.C.; West, A.E. 2004. Impacts of chronic nitrogen additions vary seasonally and by microbial functional group in tundra soils. Biogeochemistry vol. 69 pp. 1-17.

A.K. Knapp, M.D. Smith, S.L. Collins, N. Zambatis, M. Peel, S. Emery, J. Wojdak, M.C. Horner-Devine, H. Biggs, J. Kruger and S.J. Andelman, "Generality in Ecology: Testing North American Grassland Rules in South African Savannas", Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, In Press. 
Abramson, G., V.M. Kenkre, T.L. Yates, and R.R. Parmenter, "Traveling waves of infection in the Hantavirus epidemics.", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, p. 529-534, v. 65, (2003)
Allen, M.F., W. Swenson, J.I. Querejeta, L.M. Egerton-Warburton, and K.K. Treseder., "Ecology of mycorrhizae: A conceptual framework for complex interactions among plants and fungi.", Annual Review of Phytopathology, p. 271, vol. 41, (2003).
Buxbaum, C.A.Z., "Landscape heterogeneity, soil development, precipitation regime, and growth and distribution of vegetation in a desert-grassland ecotone.", (2003). Thesis, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Dahm, C.N., M.A. Baker, D.I. Moore and J.R Thibault, "Biogeochemistry of surface waters and alluvial ground waters in steams and rivers during drought.", Freshwater Biology, p. 1219, vol. 48, (2003).
Friggens, M.T., "Relating small mammal dynamics to precipitation and vegetation on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico.", (2003). Thesis, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico
Huxman TE, M.D. Smith, PA. Fay, A.K. Knapp, M.R. Shaw, M.E. Loik, S.D. Smith, D.T. Tissue, J.C. Zak, J.F. Weltzin, W.T. Pockman, O.E. Sala, B. Haddad, J. Harte, G.W. Koch,  S. Schwinning, E.E. Small, and D.G. Williams., "Convergence across biomes to a common rain-use efficiency.", Nature, p. 18, vol. 429, (2004).
Huxman, TE, BP Wilcox, R Scott, K Snyder, D Breshears, EE Small, KH Hultine, WT Pockman, and RB Jackson., "Woody plant encroachment and the water cycle: an ecohydrological framework.", Ecology, In Press.
Huxman, TE, D Tissue, K Snyder, J Leffler, K Ogle, WT Pockman, DR Sandquist, and DG Williams., "Precipitation pulses and carbon dynamics in semi-arid and arid ecosystems.", Oecologia, In Press. 
Kerkhoff, A.J., S. N. Martens, and B.T. Milne., "An ecological  analysis of Eagleson's optimality hypotheses. ", Functional Ecology., p. 404, vol. 18, (2004).
Kerkhoff, A.J., S. N. Martens, G.A. Shore and B.T. Milne, "Contingent  effects of water balance variation on tree cover density in semiarid  woodlands.  Global Ecology and Biogeography, p. 237, vol. 3, (2004).
Kroel-Dulay, Gy., P. Odor, D. P. C. Peters, and T. Hochstrasser., "Distribution of plant species at a biome transition zone in New Mexico.", Journal of Vegetation Science., p. 531-538, vol. 15, (2004).
Makarieva, A.M., V.G. Gorshkov, B.-L. Li., "A note on metabolic rate dependence on body size in plants and animals.", Journal of Theoretical Biology., p. 301, vol. 221, (2003).
McClellan. Y, R. August, J. Gosz, S. Gann, R. Parmenter, M. Nelson, and M. Harper., "Plant and Environment Interactions: Uptake Rates of Thorium Progeny in a Semiarid Environment. ", J. Environ. Qual., p. 1759, vol. 32, (2003).
McCulley RL, EG Jobbagy, WT Pockman, and RB Jackson., "Nutrient uptake as a contributing explanation for deep rooting in arid and semi-arid ecosystems.", Oecologia, In Press. 
Milne, B.T., D.I. Moore, J.L. Betancourt, J.A. Parks, T.W. Swetnam, R.R. Parmenter and W.T Pockman., "Multidecadal drought cycles in south-central New Mexico: patterns and consequences.", (2003). Editor(s): D. Greenland, D. Goodin and R. Smith  Collection: Climate variability and ecosystem response at Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Sites.  Oxford University Press.
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Shachak, M., J. Gosz, and S.T.A. Pickett. “ Species diversity and ecosystem processes in water limited systems.”  Editors:  Shachak, M., J. Gosz, S.T.A. Pickett and A. Perevolotsky.  In:  Biodiversity in Drylands: Towards a Unified Framework. Oxford University Press.  In Press.  
Shachak, M., J. Gosz, A. Perevolostsky, and S.T.A. Pickett. “Toward a Unified Framework in Biodiversity Studies.”  Editors:  Shachak, M., J. Gosz, S.T.A. Pickett and A. Perevolotsky.   In:  Biodiversity in Drylands: Towards a Unified Framework. Oxford University Press.  In Press.
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Shortgrass Steppe
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Virginia Coastal Reserve
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