KBS LTER synthesis volume now available through Open Access

Network News Summer 2015, Vol. 28 No. 2

The latest addition to the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network Book Series is a new volume on the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS), “The Ecology of Agricultural Landscapes: Long-term Research on the Path to Sustainability."

 The printed book chapters are available on the KBS LTER web site at http://lter.kbs.msu.edu/synthesisbookchapters/ together with color versions of the figures that are suitable for presentations.

Phil Robertson, the Lead Principal Investigator for KBS LTER explains, “We were really pleased and a bit surprised to be able to negotiate the open-access agreement, which considerably extends the reach of individual chapters. Just in the first 8 weeks there were over 1500 downloads. In my experience this seems like a completely new model.”

Lead editor Steve Hamilton notes that online access is especially attractive to the chapter authors, who know that their work will be more broadly available and within reach of graduate and undergraduate students and other researchers who may have limited funds to purchase books.

Hamilton, S. K., J. E. Doll, and G. P. Robertson, editors. 2015. The ecology of agricultural landscapes: long-term research on the path to sustainability. Oxford University Press, New York, New York, USA.