BEMP, MeliBee Project, LEDL. What do all these acronyms mean?
The LTER Education Committee invites you to learn about the projects behind the acronyms and more by joining their monthly conference calls. The "First Wednesday" calls provide LTER site education representatives one hour of learning and information sharing, keeping the education network fluid in between annual meetings and the triennial All Scientists Meetings (ASM).
Each call highlights activities of one of five working groups at the beginning of each session. In previous sessions, Kim Eichorst (SEV) explained the BEMP (Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Project), Elena Sparrow (BNZ) and graduate student Katie Villano Spellman (BNZ) spoke about the MeliBee Citizen Science Project, and Beth Simmons (PAL) gave an overview of LEDL (LTER Educational Digital Library.) The entire LTER community is invited to engage with the education community the first Wednesday of each month at 3:00 EST. The meetings last exactly one hour.
Upcoming topics include:
April: Professional Development with Scott Simon (SBC)
May: MSP Student Learning with Alan Berkwitz (BES)--tentative
June: Data Jam with Stephanie Bestelmeyer (JRN)
Call in information:
Participant code: 3850585