Drupal Ecological Information Management System Training Begins

Web Updates

Albuquerque, New Mexico -- Eleven site information managers (IMs) began the first day of a three-and-a-half day training on the LTER-sponsored Drupal Ecological Information Management System (DEIMS). 

Drupal expert Shakib Mostafa will be conducting this year's DEIMS training.  Topics to be covered include:

  • Integrating external data entities (databases, spreadsheets)
  • How to adapt websites to mobile devices
  • Installing and modifying themes

During this workshop, DEIMS participants will learn about the latest developments from the Drupal open source community, which currently boasts one million collaborators from 230 countries. For the past few years, a group of LTER Information Managers have leveraged the work done by the Drupal community to maintain and advance state-of-the-art web technologies.


DEIMS is an all-in-one toolkit that covers the essentials for biological stations and LTER sites. DEIMS can manage:

  • Bibliographies
  • Metadata
  • EML
  • Personnel directories
  • Lightweight maps

In short, DEIMS offers a user-friendly information management in a box to deliver information, offer data and LTER network services. 

For more information, visit the mobile-friendly workshop website at http://deims2012training.lternet.edu.