News Briefs

Network News Fall 2011, Vol. 24 No. 2
News Briefs
  • @SGS: A paper co-authored by senior SGS LTER PhD students, Sarah E. Evans and Kerry M. Byrne, together with Ingrid “Indy” C. Burke, and William K. Lauenroth, was named Editor's Choice paper for Issue 6 of the Journal of Ecology, published in November 2011. The editors included a short article about the paper on the journal homepage,, while the paper, “Defining the limit to resistance in a drought-tolerant grassland: long-term severe drought significantly reduces the dominant species and increases ruderals,”is available at
  • @AND: The website for the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest LTER program recently underwent a major update and restructuring. Information is organized for different audiences. Science stories and news and events are featured on the front page. Take a tour of the new website at 
  • @FCE: The first newsletter, "News from the Sloughs" Volume 1, Number 1, was released October 15, 2011. Please feel free to distribute the newsletter to any interested parties. Available from the FCE website,, or download a copy here:
  • @LNO: The Drupal Environmental Information Management System (DEIMS) workshop was held November 8-11 at the LTER Network Office (LNO) at the University of New Mexico. Inigo San-Gil organized the DEIMS 2011 workshop held in the Ecoinformatics and Usability Testing (a.k.a training) lab at LNO. For more information see or contact Inigo San-Gil (
  • @IM: The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) data repository (, which is hosted jointly by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network, reached another milestone recently when it surpassed the 25,000 data set mark. Based on the 1,296 data sets so far contributed in 2011 (see graph), KNB is still seeing linear growth like in the past few years. Thanks to everyone who is making ecological and environmental data sharing a reality. For more information please visit or contact Matthew B. Jones, Director of Informatics Research and Development, NCEAS, University of California-Santa Barbara.
  • @The Smithsonian: For a nice article in Smithsonian Magazine describing ecologists (in sandals, of course), and the value of ecology, NSF and LTER,