Call for proposals for LTER Working Groups

Network News Spring 2008, Vol. 21 No. 1
News Briefs

The LTER Executive Board announces a call for LTER workshop proposals to advance the Decadal Plan research agenda. The Network has $165,000 available for planning and synthesis activities; priority will be given to proposals with clearly defined products, which might include specific research proposals or synthesis papers, and the likelihood of completion within 6-9 months. Funded projects will be network-level, ISSE-related, and inclusive with respect to the participation of multiple sites. Copies of the Decadal Plan are available at

Proposals should be a maximum of two single-spaced pages and should detail the mechanism, goals, participants, timing, and expected products of the planned activity. If all participants are not known, include a statement of how other participants will be selected. Funding is limited to travel and meeting expenses; a separate budget and justification section should detail how funds will be spent. Since the LTER Network Office will fund travel and meeting costs directly, no overhead costs are allowed; cost-sharing is encouraged but not required.

Proposals should be sent to by July 15, 2008. Decisions will be announced by July 31, 2008. Proposals received after July 15 will be considered subject to the availability of funds.

The maximum request that will be considered is $40,000. Proposals at this level would be expected to involve participants from all or close to all LTER sites. Smaller proposals are welcome.

The principal criterion for success will be the degree to which the proposed activities advance the goals of the LTER Decadal Plan research program. Questions about preparation of proposals should be directed to Bob Waide, Executive Director of the Network Office (; phone 505-277-2649).