Call For Proposals: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Network News Fall 1995, Vol. 18 No. 1
Network News

The National Center for  Ecological Analysis and Synthesis’  focus is  collaborative, basic and applied  research on the structure and dynamics of  ecological systems

The National Science Foundation (NSF) established a National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California, Santa Barbara in May 1995 to advance the understanding of ecology by organizing and synthesizing ecological information so that it will be useful to scientists, policymakers and resource managers. Through a cooperative agreement with NSF’s Division of Environmental Biology, the new center has been awarded an estimated 10 million dollars over the next five years.

The center will not be a source of new data, but will be involved in the synthesis and analysis of existing data. Its focus is collaborative, basic, and applied research on the structure and dynamics of ecological systems. Sponsored activities include research and training workshops, working groups, and resident fellows. The first two years, the areas of emphasis are Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Ecosystem Management, but proposals of a highly innovative and synthetic nature will also be considered.

The center will provide facilities and support for individual scientists to produce models, comparative analyses, and synthesis publications. It will also offer short courses on new analytical methodologies and mathematical techniques. Along with encouraging both graduate and undergraduate students to participate in a variety of center functions, NCEAS will support post-doctoral fellows.

The target date for receipt of 1995 proposals is December 31.

• For more information on proposal submission specifications and the review process. 805/893-7670,, (web)