Network Data Management...
Simplified Access & New Capabilities
Access to the LTERnet Network Support System has recently been simplified. The system Internet name has been shortened from to To reflect LTER’ s linkage with segments of the wider ecological research community, LTERnet now also has the name (for Ecological Sciences Network). Despite these changes, previous LTERnet addresses will remain valid and synonymous with (Internet or LTERnet (Bitnet).
New capabilities have been added to the LTERnet information system, including: query functions for the dataset catalog both electronic-mail and direct access), a menu-driven information system access, and new mail paths between LTERnet and the USDA Forest Service. For the most recent copy of the LTERnet system overview document, which details these and other capabilities, send any message to
1992 Data Managers Meeting Honolulu, HI
Data managers from all LTER sites participated in the annual LTER Data Management Meeting, August 7-9, 1992 in Honolulu, Hawaii, held in conjunction with the Ecological Society of America (ESA) meetings. After reviewing the year’s progress, participants discussed a proposed all-site bibliography, further facilitation of data exchange, the LTER 10- year plan, the 1993 All Scientists Meeting, and other network-level projects. A detailed report of the meeting is available on-line ( for directions). Listed below are 1991-92 activities and accomplishments not previously reported in the News, highlights of the 1992 meeting, and proposed activities.
1991-1992 Activities and Accomplishments
- The Interactive Data Access (IDA) working group conducted a survey of all sites on the status of data accessibility.
- The quality assurance/quality control working group conducted a Network-wide survey, and compiled results in a draft report, Electronically Collected Data in the LTER Network.
- Several data managers participated in the development of the proposed Intersite Detrital Inputs Removal and Trenching Study (DIRT) project, which involves eight LTER and non-LTER sites.
- With NSF funding, a symposium, Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Biosphere Scales, has been scheduled for March 1993 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1992 Meeting and Proposed Activities
Recommendations to the Coordinating Committee were developed for enhancing data management capabilities at LTER sites during the next decade, focusing on Network infrastructure, education and curricula, intersite data access (including multimedia capabilities), and product development cooperation with the computer industry. Presentations and demonstrations will be prepared for the 1993 All Scientists Meeting and International Summit (see page 7).
- A prototype for a comprehensive LTER Network bibliographic database, with possible links to the catalog of core datasets and the personnel database, will be developed.
- A standard protocol for site exchange of metadata (documentation, methods) will be developed, using existing documentation standards and tools to extract metadata in a format developed at the Central Plains site. These tools will simplify data exchange and form the foundation for automatic maintenance of the dataset catalog.
- A five-year Network data management plan will be drafted. Activities proposed include: expansion of the dataset catalog to incorporate all site long-term datasets, development of a data management tool kit, and increasing on-line documentation.
1993 meeting topics include:
Appropriate journals for publication, the All Scientists presentation, a refined common data exchange format, relationships with professional societies, and the global positioning systems (GPS) training workshop to follow the ESA meetings.