About the Newsletter

Network News Spring 1987, Vol. 1 No. 1

This is the first of what is planned as a continuing newsletter designed to present the latest efforts in the Long Term Ecological Research program. Each edition of the newsletter will contain a lead scientific article, news from LTER sites, an NSF column, upcoming events, opinions, and whatnots.

The organization of this newsletter was approached with a bit of scepticism! Where do we start? What will the potential readers want? etc., etc. The newsletter that you are now holding in your hand is what we came up with after considering the questions, and answers, provided by LTER participants. If you have any suggestions or helpful comments that might improve either the look or the content of this newsletter, please send them to us. We need your feedback, even if it’s negative, if we are going to provide the type of newsletter that will meet the needs of its readers.

Send your comments to: Judy Brenneman, Dept. of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.

Editorial Staff:

Judy Brenneman
Jerry F. Franklin
John A. Magnuson