The National Science Foundation has developed several opportunities that can be used to enrich the research activities at LTER sites. The first cycle for most of these has passed but these opportunities should be kept in mind for later this year.
200 travel awards are available to enable outstanding graduate students nearing completion of their doctoral studies (or those receiving a Ph.D. after 1985) to attend two-week NATO Advanced Study Institutes in Europe. The announcements of individual institutes are in the final January 1989 Issue of Science or are available from NSF (202-357-7536). - FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY FOR NEW Ph.D’s.
The deadline for 1990 should be about August 1, 1989. There were 20 awards for 1989. One of the objectives of this program is to “encourage the young scientist to move to a new institution and research environment in order to benefit from new experiences and exposure to new concepts”. It might be an ideal mechanism to encourage new Ph.D.’s (American nationals) to get involved in LTER landscape ecology using geographic information systems, for example. Inquiries in writing go to Postdoctoral (EB) Fellowships, Rm 215, Biotlc Systems and Resources, NSF, 1800 G Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20550. - MID-CAREER FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY
The deadline for 1990 should be about 1 December 1989. A maximum of 10 awards were to be made for 1989. The program encourages experienced scientists to move temporarily to a new institution and research environment or learn new research methods, techniques, or concepts. It also promotes scientific collaborations, both domestic and international, including interdisciplinary ventures. It could provide experienced LTER investigators an opportunity to conduct significant intersite research at another LTER site. Inquiries go to BSR Mid-Career Fellowships, Rm 215, Biotic Systems and Resources, NSF. - PROGRAM FOR LONG AND MEDIUM-TERM RESEARCH AT FOREIGN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE.
The deadline for 1990 should be about 1 January 1990, and the opportunity is limited to American nationals who earned a PhD within six years before the visit starts. The purpose is to encourage collaborative research relationships with foreign countries and to facilitate access to foreign centers and scientists through research visits from 3 to 15 months. Inquiries go to the Division of International Programs, NSF. - SUPPLEMENTS FOR RESEARCH AT LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH SITES. The deadline for 1990 should be about 15 November 1989. The opportunity has been limited to scientists with an active NSF grant in Ecology, Population Biology and Physiological Ecology, or Ecosystems to work at an LTER site at another institution. On the one hand, this Is an excellent means for an NSF funded scientist to take advantage of the benefits of working at an LTER site, and on the other hand for LTER sites to attract new science and scientists to their site. Last year the response was good with one to three applications being submitted for work at each LTER site. It Is not too soon to start developing contacts for the 1990 call for addenda. Inquires should be directed to Dr. Thomas Callahan, NSF, (202-357-9596) or to the individual LTER site or sites of interest.