Six-Year Review and Renewal Process

Network News Spring 1989, Vol. 5 No. 1
NSF News

Tom Callahan, National Science Foundation and Caroline Bledsoe, Research Coordinator, LTER Network Office

NSF has outlined a 6-year plan for review and renewal of the LTER projects. Projects will be grouped into 3 cohorts and receive 6 year grants. For each cohort, in the renewal year, renewal proposals will be due February 1. Panels will meet in April of that year to review the proposals, and renewal funding set for October 15 of that year. All projects will have regularly scheduled site reviews midway through the six year cycle (during odd-numbered years). All projects will submit a progress report during June of each year.

Proposal and funding dates are:

  • February 1 and October 15 in 1990 (Cohort 1 --Andrews, Central Plains, Coweeta, Konza, North Inlet, Niwot Ridge, and North Temperate Lakes)
  • 1992 (Cohort 2--Bonanza Creek, Hubbard Brook, Kellogg, Arctic Lakes, and Virginia Coast Reserve)
  • 1994 (Cohort 3--Cedar Creek, Jornada, Harvard Forest, Luquillo Puerto Rico, and Sevilleta)