Field Notes: OTA Global Change Study

Network News Spring 1990, Vol. 7 No. 1
Site News

In 1988 the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was asked to undertake a study on climate change by five full committees of the U.S. Congress: the Senate committees on Environment and Public Works, Commerce, Science and Transportation, Energy and Natural Resources; and the House committees on Science, Space, and Technology, and Foreign Affairs.

In response to the requests, OTA will deliver to Congress a “Special Report” in the summer of 1990 addressing the question “Can we slow climate change?” The report will look primarily at policy options that could result in emissions reductions in the next 25 years.

OTA is characterizing by economic sector the major contributors to climate change. To the extent possible, the report will identify areas where gains in efficiency, product substitution, conservation or other options can ameliorate increases in carbon dioxide and/or other “greenhouse gases.”

The OTA report will also attempt to evaluate the relative ease of implementing these options and link them to other policy concerns of the Congress, such as national security, trade, air and water pollution. While the options will be for the Congress, the study will seek to identify those policies that hold promise in the global context.

For further information contact the Oceans and Environment Programn, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington DC 20510, 202- 228-6845.