ESA Long-Term Studies Section (LTSS) Collaboration

Network News Fall 1991, Vol. 10 No. 1

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) LTSS and the LTER Network have initiated a collaborative effort to establish an EMail communication system that will link the computers of the approximately 500 LTSS members. This system, to be developed and operated by Rudolf Nottrott at the Network Office, will enhance intra-section communication of LTSS members, and will vastly increase the communication capabilities between LTER researchers and those scientists working on long-term studies not directly affiliated with LTER. Additional network linkages with the ESA Vegetation Section are also being discussed. If successful, the system may serve as a model for networking the entire ESA membership.

The system will permit rapid dissemination of information relevant to ecologists involved with long-term studies, and allow feedback to the Section’s Executive Committee from the membership on Section issues and activities. As with the present LTER EMail system, scientists will be able to query other researchers for information or data on topics of mutual interest. It could also be used to instantly poll scientists worldwide on important environmental issues.

An LTSS EMail directory will be compiled this winter following dissemination of a written survey to LTSS members. A previous survey of the membership indicated that 96% owned (or had access to) some form of computer, but that only 50% had an EMail address. The upcoming survey will contain instructions on how to connect to EMail and access the network. The system should be operational by spring, 1992. Once the system is completely operational, further details will appear in the Network News.

Bob Parmenter/Sevilleta LTER/LTSS Chairman