LTER Climate Committee Activities

Network News Spring 1992, Vol. 11 No. 1
Network News

New Climate/Ecosystem Dynamics Bulletin Board Developed

A climate/ecosystem dynamics bulletin board, CED, has been developed for the LTER Network by the Climate Committee to exchange interdisciplinary information and ideas, data, bibliographies and literature discussions. In addition, LTER-wide citations for climate and ecosystem publications will be compiled. CED, which is posted on LTERnet periodically, will reflect the interests of contributors and users.

Contributions may be  sent to David Greenland (H.J. Andrews LTER; or to Bruce Hayden (Virginia Coast Reserve LTER; Requests to be added to the mail group list should be sent to Daniel Pommert at the Network Office,

Back issues may be requested from Bruce Hayden.

1885- 1991 Storm Data Available

Storm frequency data for the coterminous United States has been transferred to LTER Network computers. The data, which covers the period 1885 through mid-1991, is from monthly storm center counts of storms passing through 2.5 degrees-latitude and 5 degrees-longitude grid cells. Users need to consider the weather results of storm centers in particular geographic positions relative to the LTER site of interest.

For many locations there have been significant changes in the number of storms per year over the last 100 years. Data plots should reveal that there have been real climate changes in the synoptic weather systems that frequent the areas near the sites. These may or not be accompanied by changes in temperature or rainfall.

For details on the data collection process and an application for using the data see: Hayden, B.P. 1981. Secular Variations in Atlantic Coast Extratropical Cyclones. Monthly Weather Review 109(1): 159-172. Users should credit the Virginia Coast Reserve, and send Bruce Hayden a reprint of any publication that results.

Climate Synthesis Proposal Submitted

David Greenland, Bruce Hayden and Tim Kittel (Central Plains LTER) have submitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation to update and expand the climatic description and synthesis document for LTER. The comparative analysis chapter will be redone and the issue of climate change across LTER sites will be addressed. Four new sections are planned:

  1. Site descriptions for new LTER sites
  2. Climate variability analysis
  3. Projected climate changes at LTER sites
  4. Comparative climatology across sites

LTER El Niño Study Group

The Sevilleta, Jornada, North Inlet, Virginia Coast and North Temperate Lakes sites have formed a study group on El Niño and ecosystem responses at LTER Sites. Future activities may include a workshop, an intersite proposal, and/or a joint publication. Other LTER researchers who have detected an El Niño signal at their sites are encouraged to participate. Initially, the group will communicate via the CED bulletin board.

NASA Surface Temperature Data Obtained for LTER Sites

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is now in its 14th year of measuring surface temperatures via satellite. The 13-year dataset (through 1991, which covers the lifespans of all the LTER sites) is currently being obtained for each of the 18 sites. Readouts produced are for average monthly temperatures in 2.5 latitude-by-2.5 longitude grid cells. The readings are said to be correct to within 0.01 C. Following quality checks, these data will be archived in the Network Office.