LTERnet Access On the Road

Network News Spring 1992, Vol. 11 No. 1

The Sprintnet Connection

The LTER Network Support System can be accessed in a variety of ways. Direct access through the national Internet is the most common; high-speed modems and the commercial Sprintnet (formerly Telenet) are other options. Electronic mail forwarding, mail groups (including electronic bulletin boards) and automatic mail replies provide further access.

In 1990, the LTER Connectivity Committee recommended installation at the Network Office of a multi-user computer with sufficient capacity to support user accounts for all LTER researchers, which would be accessible via the Internet, modem and commercial networks. Although Internet connections provide the highest speed and functionality, commercial network access through local phone connection has several advantages.

For example, users who are away from their home machines frequently experience difficulty attempting routine tasks like answering electronic mail (e-mail) or reading bulletin boards. Connecting to LTERnet by dialing a local Sprintnet phone number eliminates connectivity and account availability problems. Local Sprintnet numbers exist in over 500 locations in the United States, and 150 abroad. Once connected with full Internet access, users may complete their work on the LTERnet computer or further link to more than 500,000 host computers worldwide.

Connecting to LTERnet via Sprintnet

  • Obtain a computer account on LTERnet
  • Determine your local Sprintnet phone number 
  • Use the modem and communications software (Procomm, Kermit, etc.) on your computer to dial the local Sprintnet number 
  • Enter LTERnet’s identification number 
  • Enter your usemame and password

For further information, send any message to Sprint®

LTERnet Reaches Out - ESA Long-Term Study Section Added

LTERnet has extended its e-mail forwarding services to members of the Long-Term Study Section (LTSS) of the Ecological Society of America. Over 50 LTSS members have been added to the system, and the list is growing. An electronic-mail distribution group, LTSS, has also been established. For a list of LTSS group members, send any message to

Searching the Personnel Database

The personnel directory at LTERnet (which now includes LTER, Land-Margin Ecosystem Research, Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, and LTSS personnel) can now be searched by e-mail using all or part of a listed person’s name. The result of the search is returned to the requester by automatic e-mail reply. Search requests should be sent to: or
address@LTERnet.Washington edu.

For information on how to use the search function, send any message to In addition, search functions for the on-line LTER Core Dataset Catalog and other information are presently being implemented.

For general assistance with LTERnet, send any message to, or contact Rudolf Nottrott at the Network Office, 206-543-8492, (Internet) or rNottrott@lternet (Bitnet).