Dr. Caroline Bledsoe, LTER Network Research Coordinator, has changed her base of operations from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in Washington, D.C. to the University of California at Davis. She will continue to aid communication between NSF and the LTER Network by attending both individual and combined agency and LTER meetings, and by working with the LTER Network Office staff on Network-wide projects such as the upcoming 10-year evaluation of the LTER Program. She will continue to help develop linkages between the LTER Network and other research networks.
Dr. Bledsoe is also planning several specific projects for 1992: coordinating with other LTER researchers and data managers on developing an all-site bibliographic reference for LTER; talking with LTER researchers to generate suggestions for a pilot synthesis project; and helping to develop a pilot project across the sites to measure trace gas fluxes and CO2 The trace gas activities will begin with a workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program and jointly planned for summer or early fall of 1992 with Arvin Mosier of the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Fort Collins, Colorado.
• Caroline Bledsoe, Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California-Davis, 916-752-0388 (office), 752-4131 (lab), 916-752-1552 (fax), cbledsoe@lternet.washington.edu or csbledsoe@ucdavis.edu.