Recent and New Publications of Interest

Network News Spring 1993, Vol. 13 No. 1

China and Global Change: Opportunities for Collaboration. 1992. A report on the developing global change research program in China conducted with the assistance of the Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese Ecological Research Network (CERN)-LTER scientific exchange is cited. National Research Council, National Academy Press, HA 384, Washington, D.C. 20418. 228 pages.

Collected Data of the first ISLSCP Field Experiment Volume 2: Satellite Imagery (1987-1989). Published on CD-ROM by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA).

Ecological Modelling Vol. 67 No.1. A special issue devoted to large-scale ecological modeling in the LTER Network. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., P.O. Box 350, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (Available May 1993)

Journal of Geophysical Research. Volume 97, No. D17, pages l8,343-19,109, November 30, 1992. Special issue with over 60 articles dedicated to the FIFE program on Konza Prairie LTER.

Stream Research in the LTER Network. LTER Publication No. 15. Judy Meyer, technical editor. A catalog of current stream research conducted at the 11 LTER sites supporting stream research. (Available fall 1993 in the LTER Network Office.)