GCTE Focus 3: Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Network News Spring 1993, Vol. 13 No. 1
Network News

LTER - IGBP Workshop Seattle, Washington April 12-15, 1993

The LTER Network Office hosted an International Geosphere-Biosphere (IGBP) Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Focus 3 workshop April 12 - 15, 1993 at Pack Forest, near Seattle, Washington to discuss key questions and issues regarding global change and managed forests. Also discussed were theoretical and conceptual aspects of the consequences of global change for forest productivity or the role of forests in the global carbon balance, where key experiments should be conducted, what measurements or observations should be made, and experimentation logistics. An expected product of the activity is a revision of the current operational plan for production forestry (Global Change Report No. 21, IGBP).

LTER representatives John Aber (HFR), Jerry Melillo (HFR), John Vande Castle (NET), and Richard Waring (AND), joined others from Australia, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Chile, Japan, The Netherlands, Venezuela, Finland, New Zealand, Canada, Portugal, Switzerland, South Africa, and the United States.

Contact: John Ingram, Project Officer. GCTE Focus 3 Associate Office, Department or Plant Sciences, University of Oxford. South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK, or John Vande Castle, LTER Network Office, 206-543-6764, jVandeCastle@LTERnet.edu.