1993 LTER All Scientists Meeting

Network News Spring 1993, Vol. 13 No. 1
Network News

September 18-24 YMCA of the Rockies • Estes Park, CO

The 1993 LTER All Scientists Meeting will be held September 18-24 in Estes Park, Colorado at the YMCA of the Rockies, site of the 1990 meeting. In addition to the many U. S. Long-Term Ecological Research scientists and students who will gather for the week-long series of presentations, workshops, working groups, and poster sessions, this year’s meeting will include nearly 30 representatives from over a dozen countries with existing or proposed long-term ecological research programs who will convene for a two-day summit at the close of the week (see page l).

It is expected that the International Summit participants will observe and participate in all aspects of the All Scientists Meeting, including workshop sessions, field trips and informal social events.

The scientific program for the All Scientists Meeting, developed by a committee of LTER scientists with input from the LTER Coordinating Committee, will feature sessions addressing new directions for the Network, multi-site research, synthesis and comparative research, and global perspectives.

1993 All Scientists Meeting

Program and Speakers

(additional speakers to be confirmed)

New Directions for the LTER Network

  • Richard Beth, Department of Sociology, UCLA
  • Penny Firth, Environmental Biology, NSF
  • Jerry Franklin, LTER Chair
  • David Kingsbury, Human Genome Project, Johns Hopkins

Inter-Site and Synthetic Research

  • Mark Harmon, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
  • Bruce Hayden,. Virginia Coast Reserve.
  • William Parton, Central Plains Experimental Range
  • Susan Stafford, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
  • Jack Webster, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory

Global Perspectives

  • John Magnuson, North Temperate Lakes
  • H. H. Shugart, Virginia Coast Reserve