About LTER

Network News Spring 1994, Vol. 15 No. 1

Long-Term NSF Network Urged to Broaden Scope. Science 262(5132): 334-335. A critical overview of the LTER Program following the recent 10-year review by an outside panel.

 McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. EOS, November 16, 1993. Page 540. An overview of the newest LTER site.

Report Backs Bigger Biological Survey. Science 262(5 1 32): 335. The National Research Council’s report on the National Biological Survey endorses Bruce Babbitt’s plans and recommends that the LTER Program become a scientific resource for the effort.

Study Bolsters Value of Species Diversity. The New York Times, February 1, 1994. Page B7. Features the significant seven-year study of prairie ecosystems at Cedar Creek LTER.

Ten-Year Review of the Notional Science Foundation Long- Term Ecological Research Program.  1994. Report of the independent review commissioned by NSF.

The Costs and Benefits of Collaborative Research. Estuaries 16(4):913-918. A critical look at large-scale collaborative research.

The Mouse-Piñon Nut Connection. Science  262 (5135):833. Outlines the importance of rodent population data collected at the Sevilleta LTER site to the investigation of the recent outbreak of hantavirus respiratory syndrome.