LTER Data Management Committee Meeting

Network News Spring 1995, Vol. 17 No. 1
Network News

The full report of the 1994 Data Management Committee Meeting is available on-line at

Site representatives to the LTER Data Management Committee met in Seattle last fall to tackle a full agenda in a new expanded meeting format designed to foster interaction with non-LTER scientists and information managers who face similar challenges. Major themes addressed included metadata standards development, revision of the “minimum standard installation” (MSI) guidelines, LTER information system development, and data publication. The new meeting format and agenda were developed by the new organization sub-committee chaired by Barbara Benson (North Temperate Lakes). The group also hosted an open workshop with an additional 23 representatives from a variety of educational, governmental, and other organizations, which focused on the management of spatial data and intersite data access. Invited speakers and working groups addressed various aspects of the these two themes.

Metadata Standards

Progress was achieved on developing metadata standards for data exchange in an effort that builds on last year’s adoption of a set of minimum metadata components and incorporates appropriate elements of developing federal and non-governmental organization standards. These standards represent a step forward in improved capability for intersite analyses and research.

Revised MSI

A document entitled “recommended technological capabilities” (RTC) for LTER sites has been drafted to replace the now out-dated MSI. The draft document provides general guidelines for necessary technologies and will include specific examples of costs (including personnel) and implementations.

LTER Information System Working Group

A new working group has been established to pursue the need for and subsequent design and development of an LTER-wide information system. Such a system would incorporate components for facilitating intersite research and providing public information.

Data Publication Working Group

Another new working group has been established to investigate mechanisms for data publication. The objective is to provide a positive incentive for investigators to develop, maintain, and make accessible adequately documented datasets.

A full report of the meeting, compiled and edited by Rick Ingersoll (Niwot Ridge) and others, includes activity reports on the All-Site Bibliography, Data Management Committees structure, on-line access to LTER data, the Connectivity Committee, and the Core Data Set Catalog, as well as working group and site reports. The report is available through the LTER Network Office gopher server at in both PostScript and ASCII formats. A hypertext version of the report is underway.

James Brunt, LTER Data Management Committee Chair