International LTER (ILTER) Interactions
A team of U.S. scientists representing the LTER and Land-Margin Ecosystem Research (LMER) programs traveled to Portugal and Spain March 9-16, 1996 to visit possible sites for a long-term ecological research network for those countries and discuss the potential for future interaction. The visit was jointly funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s International Programs division, the Fundaçao Luso-Americana (FL.AD) in Portugal, and the University of Seville in Spain. The U.S. representatives were: James Brunt (Sevilleta, LTER Data Managers Committee Chair), Paul Bolstad (Coweeta), Bob Christian (Virginia Coast), James Gosz (U.S. LTER and ILTER) Bruce Hayden (Virginia Coast), Alan Knapp (Konza Prairie), Johanes Knops (Cedar Creek), Manuel 5 Molles (Sevilleta), and Charles Simenstad (LMER).
The group divided into two teams to visit several coastal/estuarine sites and terrestrial/montane sites in both Portugal and Spain. The LTER research model was well accepted as an important complement to the traditional form of science practised in both countries. Once Iberian sites are identified, with joint funding from the same institutions appropriate U.S. LTER sites will host Spanish and Portuguese scientists to identify training needs and possible collaborative projects. Further developments in the interaction will be reported in future issues of the Network News.