Over the past two years, three major building projects have been completed that further support research collaboration and education at Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. The facility improvements resulted from cost-shared funding from the USDA Forest Service, the National Science Foundation, and the University of Georgia.
The Analytical Laboratory was remodeled and expanded and was completed in February 2002. The lab now includes additional bench space, a walk-in drying oven and cold room, and state-of-the-art safety features. The 5200 ft2 (483 m2) lab generates on average 63,000 chemical determinations per year for both experimental and long-term ecological monitoring projects.
The Coweeta Residence was remodeled and expanded and was completed in August 2003. The Residence -- originally the Coweeta Administrative Office built in 1937 -- has seen several expansions in its 67 years, but its historic exterior stone and wood architecture has been maintained. The interior has been completely updated and includes space for 20 visiting researchers -- including bedrooms, kitchens, restrooms, utility areas, a social room, computers, and full internet connections via a T-1 line. The social room was named in honor of Dr. Tom Callahan, formerly of NSF, for his many contributions towards science and education at LTER research sites. A plaque honoring Tom was presented to his wife, Anne, and son, James, at a Coweeta Facility Open House in October 2003.
A new Conference Center was completed in October 2003 with several related components to be completed in 2004. The Conference Center includes indoor and outdoor meeting areas and eight offices with supporting facilities (see photo). The 6400 ft2 (595 m2) center is designed for both formal and informal meetings. The 80-person conference room can be arranged for a variety of purposes and the living room with its large fireplace and the large hallways provide areas for informal networking. The center’s outside walls are mostly floor-to-ceiling windows that provide a panoramic view of Coweeta’s natural setting.
For more information, please visit the Coweeta website http://coweeta.ecology.uga.edu/