Looking forward to 2015 mini-symposium

Network News Winter 2014, Vol. 27 No. 4
Network News

The 2015 LTER Mini-Symposium on March 5, 2015, at the National Science Foundation will mark a return to the core Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network study themes with a focus on primary production.  With its combination of diverse sites and long-term approach to ecological research, the LTER Network is uniquely positioned to provide novel insights regarding the dynamics, controls, and consequences of this fundamental ecosystem process.  

LTER sites are organized into groups representing Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine sites; forest; freshwaters; grasslands; human-dominated systems; and marine and coastal sites. Speakers representing similar site types will present lessons learned from these long-term studies as well as examples of cross-site comparisons. The 2015 forum will mark the 14th edition of the annual mini-symposium, which provides LTER researchers a venue for presenting scientific findings and advancements that were made possible through long-term research. The LTER program began in 1980 with the goal of addressing ecological questions and identifying temporal dynamics that could not be resolved by conventional short-term projects.

Speakers for the 2015 Mini-Symposium include: 

  • Roger Reuss—Bonanza Creek (BNZ)
  • Mark Harmon—HJ Andrews Forest (AND)
  • John Kominoski—Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE)
  • Deb Peters—Jornada Basin (JRN)
  • Emma Rosi-Marshall—Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES)
  • James Morris—Plum Island Ecosystem (PIE)