The 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Limnology of Oceanography (ASLO) was held June 11-15, 1995 at the University of Nevada-Reno. The meeting was co-sponsored by the Desert Research Institute (DRI), the University of Nevada-Reno Center for Environmental Science and Engineering and the Division of Continuing Education, and the University of California-Davis Tahoe Research Group. Co-conveners were McMurdo LTER Principal Investigator Robert A. ‘Wharton, Jr., DRI, and David Garrison, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California-Santa Cruz.
The diverse group of marine and freshwater scientists in attendance addressed a theme of extreme environments. Plenary sessions included:
- “Cold Water Limnology: Insights from the Arctic and Antarctic” (Warwick Vincent, Laval University)
- “Water and Life on Mars” (Chris McKay, NASA-Ames Research Center)
- “The Freshwater Imperative” (John Magnuson, North Temperate Lakes LTER).
LTER Data Managers Jordan Hastings (McMurdo) and Karen Baker (Palmer Station) co-presented two pre-conference workshops which focused on geographic information system technologies and their application to freshwater and marine ecosystem studies. Special sessions covered a broad range of topics dealing with limnology and oceanography, and several papers on research at LTER sites were presented.
For a list of abstracts: McMurdo LTER Project Office, 702/673-7425,