In January 1992 LTER data managers Rick Ingersoll (Niwot Ridge) and Scott Chapal (North Inlet Marsh) conducted a survey on the management of electronically collected data within the LTER Network. They summarized responses and offered recommendations for the improvement of data collection systems in a report now available from the Network Office. Responses showed that LTER sites rely heavily on such systems for the measurement of many variables, particularly climatological ones.
Although variables and methodologies differ among individual sites, the problems they encounter (e.g., power losses, extreme temperature effects, faunal impacts, moisture/condensation effects, equipment/sensor deterioration) are often the same. Survey results suggested the following recommendations:
- Similar evaluations should be conducted annually.
- Interaction among investigators, data managers and technicians should be facilitated and encouraged at both intra- and intersite levels.
- Standardized Meteorological Measurements for LTER Sites (1987, LTER Publication No. 3) should be updated and modified using the results of the annual evaluation; an on-line version would be preferred.
- The LTER Network should provide regular feedback to manufacturers of electronic data collection hardware and software to ensure industry responsiveness.
- Network data managers should interact with their counterparts in other scientific organizations to provide a broader base for feedback, and to facilitate the exchange of ideas.